EM8610 My RFID does not work anymore.

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Please check if the EM8610 is still powered by the Power supply (If switched to battery the RFID is turned off for power saving).

How do I check if the EM8610 is powered by the power supply?

Remove the back panel from the EM8610 (if it is installed on a wall the tamper alert will be triggered)

Remove the batteries and check if the panel is still working if connected to the power.

If the panel is no longer working please contact our helpdesk and request a new Power supply.

If the panel is working please delete all RFIDs from the EM8610 and register all RFIDs again to the EM8610.

Delete all RFID tags by text message

All RFID-tags can be deleted from the system by sending a text message containing the text "22" to the alarm system.


Register new RFID-tags

Enter the password (default 1234) and press EM8610_Memo-button.png button on the control panel.

The LED will turn on. Now add the RFID-tags piece by piece by holding the RFID tag close to the receiver (circle left of num. pad). If you hear a beep the RFID-tag is registered to the system. If you hear 2 beeps this indicates this RFID-tag is already registered.

If the RFID still does not work after this troubleshoot the RFID will be defective and needs to be replaced please contact our helpdesk or local distributor for replacement.