EM7680 Cannot Install or Update Add-ons

  • Frissítve
Ez az árucikk az Ön nyelvén nem érhető el. Az eredeti forrásnyelv az alábbiakban látható.

You might receive the notification: Failed to update add-on. This regards not only third party add-ons but also standard add-ons which are located in the default Kodi repository. You will receive this notification because version Libreelec 9 and older is using the old openssl 1.0.2 version which has an specific certificate which is expired at the end of September 2021.

To fix this we have made a directory containing the updated files, which results that Kodi can install/update the default add-ons again. Keep in mind that for third party add-ons we cannot held responsible to maintain the functionality while it is not made by us.

Please check the below instruction to fix this issue:

Before you can proceed, you will need an USB drive or Micro SD card and PC/laptop to download the required files. In this description we will use an USB drive.


Instructions for unpacking and preparing your USB drive, when using Chrome or Edge browser: 

  • Download the file named “openssl-config.service.d.zip” Once downloaded, unzip the file by right click on the file and then choose “Extract all”. 

Download file:



  • Copy and paste the complete directory “openssl-config.service.d” "directly" to your USB drive. Please make sure that this directory is not copied in another directory.  

Important! Please do not change the name of the directory and/or the included file!


Instructions for preparing your USB drive when using Safari browser on Mac OS:


  • Insert your USB drive and open it. Add a new folder named: openssl-config.service.d


  • Open the folder you just created: openssl-config.service.d


Download file via Safari:

Important! Do not change the name of the attached file!

  • Go to Downloads and drag "drop-dst-x3.conf" to the "openssl-config.service.d" folder on your USB stick.

Downloads.png          downloaded_file.png

You should see the following result:




  • Power on your streamer and wait until it is completely booted.
  • The location where the directory must be copied to is hidden. At default the option “Show hidden files and directories” is disabled. Navigate to "Settings"


  • Media"


  • General", and then enable the option “Show hidden files and directories


  • Navigate to “Settings” – “File manager”.



  • Plug in your USB drive which you have used to copy the directory to. The left side we will use to browse to our USB drive, the right side to browse to the correct path where the directory needs to be copied to.
  • On the right hand panel, click on “Add SourceFileManager_add_source_6.jpg
  • Browse


  • Root filesystem” and click on the OK button of your remote control


  • Browse to “storage” and click on the OK button of your remote control.


  • “.config” and click on the OK button of your remote control.


  • system.d” and click on the OK button of your remote control.


  • Within this directory you see no visible files. This is correct. Now select and click on OK to add the directory.7._OK.jpg


  • Please do not change the name. Click on OK and you will see that the directory "system.d" is now added to the list. Click on the "OK" button of your remote control to open this directory at the right hand panel of the filemanager.
  • Via the left side, you should be able to see the name of your USB drive. Enter it via the OK button of your remote control.


  • Search and select the directory named “openssl-config.service.d” and press the “drop down settings menu” button on your remote control, located below the home button.
  • Choose for the option “Copy” and confirm with "Yes".


  • You should see that the directory will be copied to the right hand panel in the directory named “system.d
  • Now go back to the home screen of your streamer. Navigate to the on/off symbol at the left upper corner and choose for the option “Reboot


  • Once the streamer is rebooted you will not see this notification again and you can update/install the missing add-ons.
  • Navigate to “Add-ons” via the left side panel at the homescreen and then at the right side you will see an option called "available updates".


  • Open this setting and update the listed add-ons via "Update all". It is possible you need to perform this action twice before all add-ons are updated.
