EM6331 Flash player, no live video image in the Windows browser and setting motion detection zones

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Ez az árucikk az Ön nyelvén nem érhető el. Az eredeti forrásnyelv az alábbiakban látható.

As of the 12th of january 2021 Adobe has actively stopped Flash player support for the majority of browsers..

When you like to adjust the settings of your camera with a recent browser, such as Chrome, then this is still possible.

There are some limitations :  

  • No live video image in browser (The functionality in the APPS are unchanged, this is browser independent )
  • No motion detection zone video preview to setup the motion detection zones.

To make it possible to view live images and see motion detection zones again, we have two options available. 

Please note ! : Use the Internet Explorer and Firefox browser in these options only for viewing live images and change settings in your camera. These browsers have not the latest updates. Therefore use your standard browsers, like Chrome and Edge, to surf on the internet!


Option (1) Use Internet explorer with custom settings

Download Flash player first :


Right button on downloaded zipfile and press "Extract" .

Run the installation of the Flashplayer.

When you get the message like below, the you already have already Flash player installed on your system. Press "Close"



Open the Internet explorer, The file iexplore.exe you can find in the folder below : 

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

When the path does not exist, please follow steps below.

- Press Windows key and at the same time Xs.

- Press "Execute", and type "optionalfeatures" followed by "ENTER" button. 

- Search in this list for "Internet Explorer 11" and select the box.

- Press OK and reboot the PC.

The IE is installed now.

First time start of Internet Explorer, you can get the message"Internet Explorer 11 settings" .

Select "Don't use recommended settings" and press"OK".

Now you can enter the ip address of your camera in the address bar, depending on your camera type followed with :443 or :81 

For example :  , The camera will ask to login with username:  admin and your password.


Then at the right top in de internet explorer go to settings (cogwheel).


Then select "Compatibility View settings".

Add here the ip address of your camera and press "add" and "close". 


Close the Internet Explorer and start it again.

In the internet explorer fill in the ipadres again in the address bar, depending on your camera type followed with :443 or :81 

In the live view screen of your camera, you see the screen below.

Download_ActiveX_control_02.PNG Press "download control" and then "Run".

You could get a popup for "Useraccountcontrol" , and press "Yes".

Press "Next" , and then "Install" 


Follow the installation and press"Finish"

Now select the ip address in the address bar and press the "ENTER"button. the page will be refreshed.

Go to "Sign in" at Live video stream.

You will get a message to run "activeX" , select "Allow"


Now you can go to "Sign in" Download_ActiveX_control_09_Pagina_verversen.PNG

Now it is possible to view the Live video stream of your camera, and adjust the motion detection zones.

Download_ActiveX_control_10_Pagina_verversen.PNG Download_ActiveX_control_11_IE11.PNG

These settings will be saved activated even after a reboot of your computer you will be able to view the camera.


Option (2) Use a portable Firefox version

You can download the following Firefox browser with integrated Adobe Flash Player to view the live video images of your camera.

Download : Firefox portable

Extract the downloaded "FirefoxPortable" file first and then execute from this folder "FirefoxPortable.exe".


When you get the message to update the Firefox browser opstart, select "Not Now" because the Flash player won't work when you update!


Please note ! : Use the Firefox browser only for viewing live images and change settings in your camera. This browser doesn't have the latest updates. Therefore use your standard browsers, like Chrome and Edge, to surf on the internet!

Now you can enter the ip address of your camera in the address bar, depending on your camera type followed with :443 or :81 

For example :  , The camera will ask to login with username:  admin and your password.

To activate the live video feed of the camera press "Run Adobe Flash" and then "Allow" .


Now you should be able to see the live video stream of your camera.

Note ! : In case the browser was updated and therefore the Firefox browser Flash plugin won't work anymore.  Remove the FirefoxPortable folder and extract the downloaded zip-file again.  The settings will be defaulted again, so you can view the camera with the above instruction.