EM6331 The webpage of the camera, Login by Web browser

  • Frissítve
Ez a cikk nem érhető el az Ön nyelvén. Az eredeti forrásnyelv az alábbiakban látható.
  • Ensure the camera is connected to the network.
  • Retrieve the camera’s IP address using the LAN search function of the APP or PC software (Press the “+” to add a camera and choose for the option “LAN Search” The camera ID will be shown in the list together with IP address.)


  • Enter the IP address in the address bar of your web browser followed by “:” and the port number e.g.

Note ! : The default port number has been changed from 81 to 443 in recent firmware updates, when 443 does not work try again with 81

  • Login with user: "admin"

Password: illustrated on the ID/Password card (if the camera has been reset to factory defaults the default password is “ipcam”).


Password as stated on the ID / Password Card no longer works.

This occurs after the camera has been reset to the factory default settings (reset).

The default password is: "ipcam"

Password can be changed again as stated on the ID / Password card, or you can generate another password yourself.

You can change this password in the APP or via the web interface in the web browser.

Change password via the APP:

  • Open the CamLine Pro APP
  • Press the menu button of the camera (circle with three dots in the image of the camera in question)
  • Press the settings icon (icon with the image of a gear)
  • Press the "Advanced" button under the Advanced settings menu.
  • Press the "Adjust camera password" button under the Camera password settings menu.
  • Now enter the old password first (in the case of a reset this is "ipcam")
  • Now enter the new password
  • repeat the new password as confirmation.
  • Press "OK" to enter the new password.

Change password via the browser:

  • First we have to find the IP address of the IP camera. If you do not know the IP address of the camera, you can find it via the CamLine Pro PC software.
  • Start the CamLine Pro PC software and click on the + icon next click on “LAN search". The camera can be located by its ID number as noticed on the ID-card. Double click with the left mouse button on the camera ID number and an Internet browser will open automatically.
  • In the address bar of the browser, you will see for example the IP-address: :443 = port number and is applicable in case you have installed the most recent Firmware for your camera. In case you not seeing a login screen after the Internet browser has been opened, then the camera does not have the most recent Firmware version installed and is port :81 applicable. Change port: 443 into 81 e.g. and press “Enter” in order to reload the page.
  • The login screen will appear now, the default user name = admin and the password you are able to retrieve from the ID-card (4 cipher digits) you received along with the camera. After a reset or Firmware update the default password will be hereafter: ipcam
  • You are able to change the default password or in the CamLine Pro App or through the IP-address (as described above) at “Advanced Settings” and finally at “User Accounts”.
  • After signing in; click on "Sign in" (for IE, Firefox etc.).
  • Click on "Options" (cog wheel).
  • From the menu select "Advanced Settings"
  • Select the option "User accounts"
  • Change the password of the admin in the column "Password"
  • And repeat this password in the "Re-Type password" column
  • Press "OK" to make the change.