EM7680 Revert from firmware CoreELEC v9.0.1 (Kodi 18) to LibreELEC v8.2.5 (Kodi 17.6) , Recovery firmware

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Deze installatie handleiding zal je helpen om vanaf firmware CoreELEC v9.0.1 (Kodi 18) terug te gaan naar de LibreELEC v8.2.5 (Kodi 17.6) firmware.

Volg de aangegeven stappen nauwgezet om de firmware correct te installeren.

  • The following file should start to download

- LibreELEC_EM7680_8.2.5_recovery.ZIP

  • Unpack the firmware in the root of a FAT32 formatted Micro-SD card. The following four files will be unpacked:

- CoreELEC-Eminent.arm-EM7680-9.0.1-update.zip
- dtb.img
- factory_update_param.aml
- recovery.img 

  • Make sure the streamer is switched to Off with the On/Off button at the backside
    of the streamer. Now you can insert the Micro-SD card into the Micro-SD slot at
    the backside of the streamer. ( the Micro-SD slot is located at the backside of the
    streamer beneath the HDMI port ).
  • Make sure you have a paperclip ready to use. With the paperclip, push the reset
    pin at the backside of the streamer and make sure you do not release the
  • Turn the streamer back to “On” and hold the reset button for around 10 seconds.
  • You may now release the reset pin.
  • The streamer will automatically proceed with the installation. There will now
    appear a blue progress bar. Do not interrupt this procedure!
  • The installation procedure is completed when the blue bar disappears.
  • The streamer will reboot and start with the new version.

Please note ! :
When the streamer has completed the installation and does not want to boot
properly to Kodi, then please perform the firmware update again using the same
instructions as above.

Some older HDMI 1.1/1.2 televisions may not show the progress bar. In that case,
you need to wait until the media player restarts. The firmware installation process
will take about 5 minutes.

It is possible some older/smaller Micro-SD cards will not be recognized. If so, turn
off the streamer and retry the update using another Micro-SD card.