EM6360 Download Firmware, Software

  • Updated

Note ! : Before downloading the firmware, please select the correct hardware revision of your camera R0 or R1. (You can find the revision R1 on the backlabel of the camera, if not your camera is a R0.)

Download firmware for EM6360 R0:

EM6360 R0 V7. firmware upgrade

Version V7.
New features: Multiple motion detection windows (enable and select multiple windows that respond on motion detection. This only can be set by using the webGUI).
Improvements: Time server has been changed from time.windows.com to time.nist.gov (time.windows.com is no longer available) this solves the incorrect time. The webport has been changed from port 81 to port 443.

Download firmware for EM6360 R1:

Actual version: 

EM6360-R1-CamLine Pro 2 V11. firmware update

EM6360 R1 CamLine Pro 2 V11. firmware installation guide

New features: • Change the WiFi Smart config to work with CamLine Pro 2
Improvements: • Removed UPNP to improve the security. • Removed the users: user and guest to improve the security. 

Previous firmware version:

EM6360 R1 V11. firmware update

EM6360 R1 V11. firmware update Guide

EM6360 R1 V11. firmware update   

Download Windows software:

CamLine Pro windows software (Port 443) Use this version for the above firmware's

CamLine Pro windows software (Port 81)

Note! When you install the CamLine Pro software, then it is recommended to start this as a Administrator.  Press with the right mouse button on the  "CamLine Pro" installation file and then select "Install as administrator". 

IP Camera Search/Reset tool

Use this tool if you lost your password of the IP-Camera to reset the password to "ipcam". After reset please change the password of the camera to a easy to remember personal password to avoid unauthorized access to the cameras video stream.


With the "Player" program, you can playback videofiles that have been recorded with the CamLine Pro PC software

Android software:

CamLine_Pro_2_Android_APP (APK)

CamLine Pro Android APP (APK)

CamLine Pro Android 6 & 7 compatible APP 

Since Android 8 and 9 the push notification is no longer working on Android 6 and 7 devices when installing the latest version of the APP. This version of the APP is compatible with Android 6 and 7. After installation please make sure the APP is not updated automatically in the Play store.