EM6230 Download Firmware, Software

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Download firmware for EM6230 :

EM6230 R0 and R1 V7. firmware

Release notes:
Version V7. (03719-21-B2-VD5) (16-11-2015)
New features:
Exchanged the ActiveX plugin to make the video stream available for more web browsers: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox.

Technical adjustments:
Added a RTSP stream: rtsp://IP_adres:554/11
Added a RTSP security On/Off option (default this option is enabled and uses the same credentials used to login to the web interface)

Download software :

e-CamView PC Software

e-CamView Android APK

e-CamView Password reset tool

Use this tool if you lost your password of the IP-Camera to reset the password to "ipcam". Note! After reset please change the password of the camera to a easy to remember personal password to avoid unauthorized access to the cameras video stream.

CamLine Pro PC Software (This software can only be used by EM6225 and EM6230 cameras who are migrated to the CamLine Pro platform.)